
Managing a vast product catalog with an ERP or PIM system on Magento Open Source or Adobe Commerce can be a constant battle. Manual updates on product attributes, merchandising strategies, and category assignments are not only time-consuming but also error-prone.

Evrig Solutions dives into innovative solutions to automate product updates and merchandizing based on dynamic rules. This empowers Magento users to:

  • Craft Dynamic Rules: Establish criteria that trigger automatic updates to product information like titles, descriptions, pricing, or special offers.
  • Enrich Product Data Seamlessly: Automatically populate enrichment attributes like size charts, warranty details, or care instructions based on predefined rules.
  • Automate Sales Attributes: Dynamically update sales attributes like “new arrival,” “clearance,” or “free shipping” based on product characteristics or inventory levels.
  • Effortless Category Management: Automatically assign or remove products from categories based on dynamic rules. These rules can consider product attributes, brands, or inventory levels.

Reap the benefits of Dynamic Product Merchandizing:

  • Reduced Manual Work: Automating updates frees up valuable staff time to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: Dynamic rules endure consistency and eliminate errors caused by manual updates.
  • Elevated Product Presentation: Automated merchandising strategies enhance product visibility and improve conversion rates.
  • Faster Product Launches: Dynamic rules can expedite the introduction of new products by automatically applying relevant attributes and category assignments.

Unlocking Dynamic Product Merchandising

Evrig Solutions offers a two-pronged approach to achieve dynamic product merchandising in Magento.

1. Leverage Magento’s Built-in Functionality (For Simler Needs):

Magento offers some built-in features like product rules and price rules that allow for basic automation. These can be used to set dynamic pricing based on various conditions. However, their functionalities are limited to complex attribute updates and intricate category management.

2. Evrig Recommends: Powerful Magento Extensions

Customize your product merchandising configurations based on specific conditions and assign corresponding action items to ensure updates are applied to products that meet these conditions.

  • Advanced Rule Builders: Create intricate rules based on various product attributes, inventory levels, or external data feeds.
  • Automatic Attributes Populations: Efforlessly populate enrichment attributes, sales attributes, and category assignments based on pre-defined rules.
  • Bulk Product Updates: Apply dynamic rules to update multiple products simultaneously, saving significant time and effort.

Embrace Dynamic Product Management and Transform your Magento Store!

Evrig Solutions is here to help you unlock the power of dynamic product management. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and explore how our solution can help you streamline your product updates, optimize your merchandising strategies, and ultimately achieve greater e-commerce success.