
Magento offers a robust platform for building e-commerce websites, but selecting the ideal front-end approach can be tricky. Three main contenders emerge: the traditional Magento frontend, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and the newcomer Hyva. Each boasts distinct strengths and weaknesses and the optimal choice hinges on your specific needs.

Traditional Magento Frontend: Familiar Ground


  • Magento Friendly: Traditional Magento is familiar territory for Magento developers, streamlining development.
  • Extensive Customization: A vast array of extensions and themes empower in-depth customization to fit your unique vision.
  • SEO Strength: Generally, traditional Magento offers good SEO performance out of the box.


  • Mobile Lag: Traditional Magento websites suffer from slower loading times, especially on mobile devices, impacting user experience.
  • Mobile Optimization Challenge: Optimizing the mobile experience can be complex and require ongoing effort.
  • Customization Complexity: Extensive customization can become intricate and necessitate continuous maintenance.

PWAs: The App-like Advantage


  • Headless Architecture: PWAs provide an app-like experience accessible directly from any browser, eliminating the app store’s downward hurdle.
  • Speed Boost: PWAs offer faster loading times and improved overall performance, particularly on mobile devices.
  • Offline Functionality (Limited): PWAs can function with limited capabilities even when offline.
  • Push Notifications: PWAs enable sending push notifications to users, keeping them engaged with your store.


  • Development Complexity: Building PWAs can be more intricate than using traditional Magento themes. Additional tools and frameworks might be required.
  • SEO Considerations: SEO optimization for PWAs necessitates extra attention compared to traditional Magento.

Hyva: The Headless Hopeful


  • Headless Architecture: Hyva separates the front end (presentation layer) from the back end (logic layer) for superior flexibility and potential performance gains.
  • Performance Focus: Hyva prioritizes fast loading times and improved performance.
  • Customization Potential: Hyva offers a more manageable approach to customization compared to traditional Magento themes.


  • Newcomer Status: Hyva is a relatively new technology with a smaller developer pool, potentially impacting development ease.
  • Complex Features: Implementing intricate features might necessitate additional development work in Hyva.
  • Extension Integration: Integrating existing Magento extensions with Hyva might require a workaround.

Additional Considerations:

Budget: PWAs and Hyva may require a higher initial investment for development.

Technical Expertise: TraditionalMagento might be easier for existing Magento developers, while PWAs and Hyva may require specialized skills.

Future Needs: Consider your long-term goals and how the chosen front end can accommodate future growth and expansion.

It’s important to carefully evaluate your needs and resources before making a decision. Connecting with Evrig Solutions be helpful to determine the best fit for your specific situation.

Contact us today for a free consultation!